

現行CSS3 Rubyの問題点(Bugzilla Bug 256274より)

id:Rockridgeさまにid:momdo:20090214:p1にてコメントをいただいたので、Bug 256274 - Implement CSS ruby moduleについてちょっと読み込んでみたところ、Mozilla Japanの中野氏がコメントを付けてたので拾ってみる。以下果てしなく怪しい意訳。

------- Comment #7 From Masayuki Nakano (Mozilla Japan) 2008-05-21 08:19:55 PDT -------

I hope this will be fixed on Gecko2.0 (or Gecko1.9.x if possible). For that I'm
thinking the implementation. However, the current spec
(http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/CR-css3-ruby-20030514/) is too irresponsible. We
need to think what is good for us.



6. the ruby for bopomofo (section 4.1)

I think we *cannot* implement this correctly until we implement the vertical
text rendering. And that should not be auto-detected layout. That should be
specified a new property, e.g., 'ruby-style'.

仕様のFigure 4.1.3に示されているような中国語の注音符号、(おそらくより厳密には声調記号)を縦書きでは正確に実装できず、レイアウトを自動検出できないだろうと。新しく'ruby-style'プロパティを導入する必要があると。


7. section 4.1

> 4.1 Ruby positioning: the 'ruby-position' property
> Applies to: the parent of elements with display: ruby-text.

I think that this spec is wrong. This property should apply to both ruby-text
and ruby-text-container. Because we should not assume that the element for
ruby-text-container is in all XML documents. (I think the spec depends on XHTML
ruby spec, that is too bad.)

> If two rtc elements are set with the same ruby-position value, (for example both 'before'), the relative position of the two elements is undefined. This setting should not be used.

This paragraph may be wrong. A ruby box should be able to have two or more
'before' (and also 'after') containers.



8. We should add 'ruby-text-transform' property.

In Japanese typography, a small Kana in ruby text may be displayed as a normal
Kana. (e.g., "ぎゅうにゅう" -> "ぎゆうにゆう") This helps the readability of small Japanese
text. However, the ruby text will be important the accessibility of Japanese
text. Then, the normal Kana hardcoded documents have the accessibility problem.
Therefore, the display should be able to be changed by CSS like text-transform.



あと、件の組版処理のEditor's Draftを見つけたので、ついでに貼っておこう。

Requirements of Japanese Text Layout (English version)